Cal's 7th birthday party.
From left to right: (top row) Megan Hurst, Lydia Keller, Madelyn McCall, Breah ?, Emily Pearson, Kennedy Schofield, Turtle. (bottom row) Sydnie ?, Kara Stohl, Macy Kunz.
For March 14th (3/14) the school had Pi day where they asked the students to try to memorize as many decimal places as they could in Pi. Calyn decided she wanted to try to get as many as possible so we put the numbers to music to help her memorize them and it paid off! She won out of her grade and got a pie as a prize!!
Rylan graduated his first year of Pre school!!
We had a robin's nest on our awning. It was fun to watch the little baby robins grow. If you look closely in this first picture you can see one of the babies is hatching.
Devin had been wanting to take his mom up to the top of Mount Borah for awhile so he decided to make it happen. There were some interesting stories about Kelsey getting cold and wearing the bottom of Simone's pants which she had to cut off earlier. Next time maybe some hiking boots Kels?
Bear Lake, fun as always!!
Red Fish 2012, we decided to do a big family picture this year despite all of our sunburned, camping beaten faces. I was
Perp and Dev competed in their first triathlon in Burley. It was the Spudman and they both did awesome!!! We made a trip to the river with Uncle Jared's family who were nice enough to let us use their paddle boats and wake board from their boat!! Thanks Uncle Jared and family!!

Jenn and Anthony got married Sept 8th in Napa Valley California and I was the maid of honor so we decided to make a trip of it. We visited San Fransisco while we were there and Sausalito. It was beautiful! We were also in Oakland for a bit and of course Napa Valley (wow, so so gorgeous!!)
Rylan's 5th bday party. It was pirate themed Aarrrgh! From left to right:
Melia, Bailey, Haven, Ry guy, Mommy, Hyrum, Emilia, & Johnna.
The one and only...
Happy 50th Perp!!