WOW, it has been far too long and there has been soooo much going on! I have ridiculous amounts of updating to do. In order to keep this entry from becoming a novel I will do a brief summary of the last month's events.
The Recital:
Our family piano recital was awesome, infact it inspired us to make it a tradition. We may even start doing family recitals every other month or so and just rotate the house we go to. It was so touching to see all the beautiful musical talent that comes from our family alone. The cousins all played their piano pieces they had been working on for Christmas, my sister in law Melissa played a beautiful classic that she had been practicing for the last 5 years!! It was amazing. Devin's Grandma made a request to have Devin play something and since he had nothing prepared he did what he does best and just played a compilation of a few hymns and Christmas songs by ear as if he had been practicing it for months (man I wish I could play like that). Then since Skylar was there we asked him to play his guitar and sing us something as well. He sang/played a Garth Brooks Christmas song which was also amazing. Ah, my talented family...
What can I say? Christmas is always amazing. It is always good to remind us of the importance of family, faith, love, and service, and this year was no different. We are so lucky to live close to both Devin's family and my family but it definitely makes for a crazy day. We started at home, opened Santa's gifts, then went to Devin's sister's house (it was his family's year) where we ate breakfast then sat in a HUGE circle and took turns opening presents. After a few hours there we went to my Mom & Dad Jeff's house to open even more gifts. My favorite part of it is watching everyone open the gifts from me. After that we went back to Dev's sister's house and played games, ate dinner, and enjoyed the evening.
What can I say? Christmas is always amazing. It is always good to remind us of the importance of family, faith, love, and service, and this year was no different. We are so lucky to live close to both Devin's family and my family but it definitely makes for a crazy day. We started at home, opened Santa's gifts, then went to Devin's sister's house (it was his family's year) where we ate breakfast then sat in a HUGE circle and took turns opening presents. After a few hours there we went to my Mom & Dad Jeff's house to open even more gifts. My favorite part of it is watching everyone open the gifts from me. After that we went back to Dev's sister's house and played games, ate dinner, and enjoyed the evening.
*********more Christmas pictures to come!!!**********
Alumni Tourny:
Every year my old highschool puts on an alumni basketball tournament for anyone home for the holidays. As always it was a fun day to watch Devin play our buddies from high school. They had a 3pt contest, which Dev won last year, but decided to give someone else a turn to win this year (isn't that so nice of him?). He played on a team with of both my class (99) and his class (98) since there were not enough players from his class alone and they won the whole thing. The players were (from left to right): Devin, Landon Young, Jordan Sermon, Zack Batte, Bryce Taylor, Brian Stewart, & Luke Furniss.
Every year my old highschool puts on an alumni basketball tournament for anyone home for the holidays. As always it was a fun day to watch Devin play our buddies from high school. They had a 3pt contest, which Dev won last year, but decided to give someone else a turn to win this year (isn't that so nice of him?). He played on a team with of both my class (99) and his class (98) since there were not enough players from his class alone and they won the whole thing. The players were (from left to right): Devin, Landon Young, Jordan Sermon, Zack Batte, Bryce Taylor, Brian Stewart, & Luke Furniss.

As SOON as Christmas was over it was time to hit it hard with Saundra's wedding. We were able to have a little break to go to Dad & Linda's house in Tetonia on Sat & Sunday. It was awesome to go up there since it is so gorgeous there in the winter. However, when we got home it was down to business. Nicole, Trevor, JJ, & Cate stayed at our house which was way fun but we still had to stay focused on what was in store with the wedding. Flowers, pictures, food, the bride's hair(which I did twice for her on her wedding day), musical numbers involving the sisters singing to the bride and groom and Devin and Trevor W. riding into the gym on a tandom bike dressed as the bride and groom(hilarious!!!), temple, luncheon, reception, kid's dresses, my dress, Cal's hair, set up, take down, and the list goes on!! Even in the stress of it all it turned out to be a great day!

New Years:
We decided to stay pretty low key this year. We had Mom, Dad, Sky, Sarah, and Demi over and just played games and snacked all night long. My kind of New Years, let me tell you!! Even thought there were some good points in the year, all around we decided it wasn't the greatest year for our family and decided as the ball dropped we would say a bitter good bye to 2009 and welcome 2010 with welcome arms. In fact Demi decided to use one rather than 5 fingers to wave her good bye ;).
I am so excited for a new year with so many memories that have yet to be made. The best to all of you, friends and family, and may your 2010 be as fun, rewarding, uplifting, and fulfilling as I plan to make mine.
As SOON as Christmas was over it was time to hit it hard with Saundra's wedding. We were able to have a little break to go to Dad & Linda's house in Tetonia on Sat & Sunday. It was awesome to go up there since it is so gorgeous there in the winter. However, when we got home it was down to business. Nicole, Trevor, JJ, & Cate stayed at our house which was way fun but we still had to stay focused on what was in store with the wedding. Flowers, pictures, food, the bride's hair(which I did twice for her on her wedding day), musical numbers involving the sisters singing to the bride and groom and Devin and Trevor W. riding into the gym on a tandom bike dressed as the bride and groom(hilarious!!!), temple, luncheon, reception, kid's dresses, my dress, Cal's hair, set up, take down, and the list goes on!! Even in the stress of it all it turned out to be a great day!

New Years:
We decided to stay pretty low key this year. We had Mom, Dad, Sky, Sarah, and Demi over and just played games and snacked all night long. My kind of New Years, let me tell you!! Even thought there were some good points in the year, all around we decided it wasn't the greatest year for our family and decided as the ball dropped we would say a bitter good bye to 2009 and welcome 2010 with welcome arms. In fact Demi decided to use one rather than 5 fingers to wave her good bye ;).
I am so excited for a new year with so many memories that have yet to be made. The best to all of you, friends and family, and may your 2010 be as fun, rewarding, uplifting, and fulfilling as I plan to make mine.