Wednesday, May 26, 2010

CANCUN 2010!!!!

Seriously??? I can't believe it has taken me 2 months to get these beautiful pictures of our amazing trip to Cancun!! What is my problem?? We had so much fun there, we felt like royalty!! Unlimited, all inclusive food (including sushi) at our finger tips 24/7, beautiful scenery, perfect weather (ok, so any weather seems perfect compared to ours as of late), humidity doing magical things to our skin and hair, sushi bar, para sailing, zip lining, snorkeling (we saw a few barracudas!), manicures, pedicures, SUSHI BAR, flea markets, water volleyball, tanning, bottomless strawberry daiquiris (virgin of course),golf, entertainment including a Michael Jackson impersonator, and did I mention sushi?? How can you beat that? Man, I am seriously grinning right now just thinking of it. When can I go back??

A photographer for the hotel snapped this picture and we thought it was priceless, had to buy it from them. I can't get over the look on Devin's face, it is the only thing that saved him from my wrath for crawling over my back to get my ball!!!

1 comment:

Amber said...

HILARIOUS!!!! You are much nicer than me. I would have dunked Ed promptly!