Wow, I have really dropped the ball lately on my posting responsibilities! I will try to not let it happen again. I guess I better start by filling in the gap... in short story form. Ok, Thanksgiving: We went to the Wood family cabin in Island Park for a few days and had a blast as we always do. There were, of course, ridiculous amounts of food, never-ending game playing, tree hunting, picture taking, tire swinging, etc. Then when we came home we had another Thanksgiving dinner with my Mom's family. Again with the large consumption of food, game playing, chatting, etc. They were a blast. Recently we have been running like chickens with our head cut off trying to get ready for the holidays. We decorated the house, got our Christmas lights up, if you have not already seen them, you should. It will give you a little chuckle how Devin decided to put them up this year. :) And besides all the shopping, we have been doing our Christmas baking. This year we decided to break it up into two different days since it takes so long to make everything we want to make. Last Friday we did the cookies and this Friday we will do the candy. Well, there is the gist of it. Enjoy the pics!!

family pics at the cabin

we went on a walk to the flats and it was beautiful with the new snow!!

swingin machines

the original wood family

all the wood cousins

devin and rylan's contribution to the cookie baking