Thursday, March 3, 2011

While we are still "patiently" awaiting some good weather, we have been trying to be creative in our indoor activities in order to keep from going completely insane. The kids just love to do all their playing wherever Devin and I are despite the huge play room they have full of all their toys, kitchens, play sets, etc. So... the latest of their activity choices.....

Building Forts!!

I remember LOVING to build forts when I was a young tyke so it's fun to see them doing the same things. However, they don't want us to build them up in their playroom where they could have HUGE forts filled with tons of toys, partitioned rooms, and areas assigned to specific, no, they want it right in the middle of the family room where Devin and I are trying to unwind from the craziness of our days. So, here they are, in what I would describe as fairly mundane and simple, however fantastically entertaining to them...their latest fort.

Also, I've been trying to keep poor Rylan occupied while Sis is at school with creative activities...well, basically anything other than TV. That kid is a little TV junkie, he would watch for hours if I let him. So here are some pics of today's ventures in creativity.

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